stack/src/components/main-footer/main-footer-column/main-footer-column.twig line 1

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  1. {%- set class_name = [
  2.   "main-footer-column",
  3.   "d-flex flex-column gap-2",
  4.   props.extra_class ? props.extra_class : null,
  5. ]|join(' ')|trim -%}
  6. {%- set attrs = [
  7.   'class="' ~ class_name ~ '"',
  8. ] -%}
  9. {%- set attrs = attrs|join(' ')|trim -%}
  10. {% set social_btn = {
  11.   size: "sm",
  12.   icon_only: true,
  13.   stroke_off: true
  14. } %}
  15. <div {{ attrs|raw }}>
  16.   {% if props.title %}
  17.     {% include "@Components/base-heading/base-heading.twig" with {props: {
  18.       title: props.title,
  19.       level: 2,
  20.       style: "h3",
  21.       extra_class: "main-footer__title mb-1 mb-xl-3"
  22.     }} %}
  23.   {% endif %}
  24.   {% if or %}
  25.     <div class="main-footer__contact d-flex flex-column gap-2 mb-1 mb-xl-3">
  26.       {% include "@Components/link/link-phone.twig" with {props:|merge({
  27.         extra_class: "u-fw-700"
  28.       })} %}
  29.       {% include "@Components/link/link-email.twig" with {props:|merge({
  30.         extra_class: "main-footer__email u-fw-700"
  31.       })} %}
  32.     </div>
  33.   {% endif %}
  34.   {% if props.content %}
  35.     <div class="main-footer-column__content entry-content">
  36.       {{ props.content|raw }}
  37.     </div>
  38.   {% endif %}
  39.   {% if props.nav %}
  40.     {% include "@Components/main-footer/main-footer-nav/main-footer-nav.twig" with {props: {nav: props.nav}} %}
  41.   {% endif %}
  42.   {% if props.logo %}
  43.     <div class="main-footer-column__logo mx-auto p-3">
  44.       {% include "@Components/img/img.twig" with {props: props.logo} %}
  45.     </div>
  46.   {% endif %}
  47.   {% if props.socials %}
  48.     <div class="main-footer-column__socials d-flex gap-2 flex-wrap justify-content-center mx-auto mt-1 mt-md-3">
  49.       {% if props.socials.facebook %}
  50.         {% include "@Components/button/button.twig" with {props: props.socials.facebook|merge(social_btn)|merge({
  51.           variant: "facebook",
  52.         })} %}
  53.       {% endif %}
  54.       {% if props.socials.twitter %}
  55.         {% include "@Components/button/button.twig" with {props: props.socials.twitter|merge(social_btn)|merge({
  56.           variant: "twitter",
  57.         })} %}
  58.       {% endif %}
  59.       {% if props.socials.instagram %}
  60.         {% include "@Components/button/button.twig" with {props: props.socials.instagram|merge(social_btn)|merge({
  61.           variant: "instagram",
  62.         })} %}
  63.       {% endif %}
  64.       {% if props.socials.linkedin %}
  65.         {% include "@Components/button/button.twig" with {props: props.socials.linkedin|merge(social_btn)|merge({
  66.           variant: "linkedin",
  67.         })} %}
  68.       {% endif %}
  69.       {% if %}
  70.         {% include "@Components/button/button.twig" with {props:|merge(social_btn)|merge({
  71.           variant: "youtube",
  72.         })} %}
  73.       {% endif %}
  74.     </div>
  75.   {% endif %}
  76. </div>